Frank chats with Telegram and Gazette executive editor Dave Nordman about how The Best of Hometown Awards will be held this year and how celebrities are helping out.… MORE
Frank chats with Telegram and Gazette executive editor Dave Nordman about how The Best of Hometown Awards will be held this year and how celebrities are helping out.… MORE
Frank chats with Tom Myers, from Wachusett Mountain about the events that will be happening this year at the mountain and what precautions they are taking due to COVID.… MORE
Frank talks with Worcester City Manager, Ed Augustus, about restaurants opening in Phase 2 and if pools will be open in the city of Worcester this summer. … MORE
Jen chats with Jean McMurray from the Worcester County Food Bank about their needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. … MORE
Jen and Frank chat with Michelle from Synergy Wellness center in Hudson, MA about how to deal with stress during this difficult time.… MORE
Jen & Frank talk with Dr. Cam Trodello, who is Producer Krya’s Cousin, about his experience after being diagnosed with COVID-19… MORE
Jen & Frank chat with Worcester City Manager, Ed Augustus, about what the City of Worcester is doing to help fight the spread of COVID-19… MORE
Jen and Frank talk with Dr. Sanjay Gupta about COVID-19 and best practices to keep you & your family safe.… MORE
Jen & Frank chat with Jonathan and Drew Scott, The Property Brothers, about their hit show on HGTV!… MORE
Jen and Frank talk with Shane Gaynon, who is in Australia, about the Australian Wildfires and the efforts to combat them.… MORE